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For the Culture- By the Culture

    A nod to the iconic phrase "By the people, for the people." The term "For the culture, by the culture" is a popular slogan the emphasizes the importance of community and cultural ownership. It suggests that the culture is being shaped and celebrated by the very people who are a part of it. This phrase is often used in the context of art, music, business, & social movements- it's a powerful way to acknowledge that value of the creativity and collective identity of the grassroots which are:

  1. Community Building: Strengthening the bonds within the community by creating shared experiences and fostering a sense of pride and identity.
  2. Authenticity: Ensuring that the cultural products and practices are developed by individuals who are genuinely part of the culture, thus maintaining the authenticity and integrity of the cultural expressions.
  3. Representation: Promoting accurate and diverse representations of the culture, countering stereotypes and providing a more nuanced view of the community's experiences and contributions.
  4. Empowerment: Empowering members of the community by giving them control over the creation and distribution of cultural products. This can help foster economic opportunities and self-sufficiency within the community.
  5. Sustainability: Supporting the long-term preservation and development of cultural traditions and innovations, ensuring they are passed down and evolve in meaningful ways.

Deveric NY (Deveric Inspiring New Youth)

  The mission of the brand is to share these experiences with you, so as a result you can also be inspired and become a creative addition to the culture. Furthermore, create a space where pure art and fashion can be appreciated to accommodate the culture for many generations to come. Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to share our story with you, I hope that you were inspired and that you enjoy your shopping experience with us. 


Devon E. Smith- Founder & CEO